Friday, May 30, 2008

Given that it's been almost two weeks since I've posted, I feel almost like I owe you a little more than this, but give me a break, life's been busy. I've been...doing things...relating to stuff...and people!...that I don't really feel comfortable discussing on this blog, as I don't know who's reading it, but those of you who talk with me regularly know what I'm up to. (And for those of you who don't, you'll find out in due time.)

So, with all of that being said, I'd like to share with you a couple pictures of our commander in chief which appeared in pretty much every major newspaper yesterday. In a gesture that almost makes me long for the days of "Thank you, Your Holiness, awesome speech", Bush gave some talk in front of a bunch of Marines (yeah, my research is thorough!) that culminated'll just have to see for yourself.



Needless to say, this is exactly the kind of macho swaggering that keeps us in an idiotic war in the first place.

Moving on, Hillary's campaign seems to be self-destructing at even a faster pace than usual, what with her "Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June" comments and all - we wait till tomorrow to find out what the DNC committee plans on doing about Michigan and Florida, and hopefully, in five days, we'll be discussing the official nominee, Barack Obama. Legions of fan-boys drawing pictures like this one certainly don't help Hillary's case, despite that it wins the prize for "I drank a little too much of the Obama Kool-Aid":


Oh, and this happened a while ago (I don't claim to be current), but it still cracks me up:


Fox News is running out of ideas.

And so am I.
Tim's home so I guess we're going to watch the new National Treasure or something.

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